Welcome to Bedfordshire Young Farmers
The Young Farmers organisation is for young people between the ages of 10-26 with an interest in the countryside.
Despite the name, you do not have to be a farmer to be a member of one of our clubs. Being a member is for anybody who enjoys being outdoors and making life long friends - agriculture can be as big (or small) a part of your time in Young Farmers’ as you want!
Bedfordshire Young Farmers is formed of seven clubs dotted around the county. Currently we have over 400 members. More information can be found on our About Us page.
Our Clubs
Bedfordshire Young Farmers is formed of seven clubs dotted around the county. Find out more about each one: location and contacts.
Bedfordshire Young Farmers can help you expand on the skills you currently have and teach you new ones; whilst meeting like-minded people.
Latest News
Find out more about what Bedfordshire Young Farmers have been doing recently; what’s coming up; and how you can get involved in future events!